
Pokemon TCG cards have become highly collectible items, and with their growing popularity, it’s essential for collectors to familiarize themselves with different card variations to ensure they are purchasing authentic and valuable ones. In this article, we will delve into the world of shadowless Pokemon cards, explaining what they are and how to tell them apart from unlimited cards.

Key Points

  1. The Difference Between Shadowed and Shadowless Pokemon Cards
  2. Rarity Levels: Shadowless First Edition, Shadowless, and Unlimited
  3. Identifying Shadowless Cards: Visual Clues
  4. Examining Onix and Bill Cards for Differences
  5. Key Details to Look For: Text Boldness and Energy Cost Placement
  6. Shadowless Cards: No Shadow on the Right-Hand Side
  7. The Easiest Way to Identify Shadowless Cards: The Bottom Print
  8. Trainers Cards: Differences in Text and Bottom Print
  9. Examining the Back of the Cards for Similarities
  10. Exception: Machamp Card with First Edition Stamp
  11. Visual Comparison of Shadowless and Unlimited Cards

Now, let’s dive into the detailed step-by-step process of identifying shadowless Pokemon TCG cards.

Step 1: Understanding the Difference Between Shadowed and Shadowless Pokemon Cards

Before we explore the intricacies of identifying shadowless cards, it’s important to comprehend the distinction between shadowed and shadowless Pokemon cards. When Pokemon cards were printed, they went through three stages: shadowless first edition, shadowless, and unlimited. The shadowless first edition is the rarest, followed by shadowless cards, with unlimited cards being the most common.

Step 2: Visual Clues for Identifying Shadowless Cards

To identify shadowless cards, it is crucial to spot certain visual clues. Let’s take a closer look at an example using two Onix cards and two Bill cards.

Onix Cards:

  • Look at the text that displays the card’s HP value. For shadowless cards, the text appears bolder and crisper compared to the shadowed counterpart.
  • The name of the Pokemon, “Onix,” also exhibits a similar boldness on shadowless cards.
  • Another vital detail to observe is the energy cost placement. On shadowless cards, such as the example on the left, the energy cost is positioned in the middle, while on the shadowed card, it is placed at the top.
  • Finally, on the right-hand side of the card, you will notice a shadow on the shadowed version, but not on the shadowless version.

Bill Cards:

  • Comparing two Bill cards, you can detect slight variations in text boldness and size.
  • Look for the absence of symbols, such as the promo symbol, on shadowless cards.
  • Examining the date print at the bottom of the card, shadowless cards will display an extra “99” compared to shadowed cards, which stop at “98.”

Step 3: Examining Trainer Cards

Identifying shadowless trainer cards can be a bit more challenging due to the limited visual clues. However, by studying the text and bottom print, you can still differentiate between shadowless and shadowed versions.

Step 4: Key Distinguishing Features

To make the identification process more straightforward, focus on specific details:

  • Keep an eye out for text differences, such as on Pokemon trainers and abilities.
  • The presence of a “99” on the bottom print confirms that the card is shadowless.
  • Shadowless cards do not have set symbols or promotional symbols.

Exception: Machamp Card with First Edition Stamp

One exception to the general rule is the Machamp card. Although it was printed after the shadowless series, it ended up with a first edition stamp. This anomaly makes the Machamp card less valuable compared to other shadowless cards.

Step 5: Visual Comparison of Shadowless and Unlimited Cards

To consolidate your understanding, let’s conduct a visual comparison of eight cards, four of which are shadowless and four that are not. Take a moment to analyze the cards and try to decipher which ones are shadowless based on the previously discussed key points.


Knowing how to identify shadowless Pokemon TCG cards is an essential skill for collectors. By paying attention to details such as text boldness, energy cost placement, the presence of a shadow, and the bottom print, collectors can accurately determine whether a card is shadowless or not. Remember, shadowless cards hold a higher value in the market, so being able to distinguish them will ultimately benefit collectors and ensure they make informed purchases. Happy collecting!

If you have any further questions or know the reason behind Machamp’s first edition stamp, feel free to leave a comment below.