
If you’re an Escape From Tarkov player, you know that completing quests can be a challenging task. In this article, we will discuss the filthiest strategy for Punisher Part 4, a quest that requires taking out PMC’s on Shoreline and completing Silent Caliber with a suppressed shotgun. This strategy is based on tactical bush camping outside the Shoreline Resort and has been proven to be incredibly effective. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the details and learn how to dominate Punisher Part 4 in Escape From Tarkov.

The Power of Bush Camping

The first key point in this strategy is the art of bush camping. While to some, a bush may just be an innocent part of the background scenery, but to a seasoned player, it can become a powerful tool. The bush provides excellent cover and allows you to remain hidden from enemy players. It is essential to have patience and wait for the perfect moment to strike. Remember, you can’t spell “Ambush” without the bush.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Choose a strategic bush: Find a bush that provides optimal camouflage and a good line of sight to the area you want to cover. This will be your hiding spot and base of operations.

  2. Patience is key: Stay hidden in your bush and wait for unsuspecting PMC’s to pass by. It’s important not to rush and give away your position.

  3. Select your targets wisely: Identify high-value targets that will help you complete the Punisher Part 4 quest. PMC’s carrying valuable loot or those who are a threat to your character should be your primary targets.

  4. Silent Caliber: To complete the Silent Caliber part of the quest, make sure to equip a suppressed shotgun. This will allow you to eliminate your targets quietly without alerting other players in the vicinity.

  5. Strike with precision: When the moment is right, take aim and eliminate your target with a single shot. Accuracy is crucial here to ensure your survival and success.

  6. Loot and relocate: After eliminating your target, quickly loot their gear and relocate to a different bush or position. This will prevent other players from easily tracking your movements.

  7. Repeat and adapt: Continue bush camping and taking out PMC’s until you have completed Punisher Part 4. Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on the situation and enemy movements.

The Gameplay Experience

In the video, the player demonstrates how effective bush camping can be for completing Punisher Part 4. They share their experience of trying various strategies and not having much luck until they discovered the tactical bush camping approach. This newfound strategy allowed them to complete two quests in a single day, showcasing the power of this technique.


In conclusion, bush camping can be a highly effective strategy for completing Punisher Part 4 in Escape From Tarkov. It offers excellent cover, allowing you to remain hidden and strike with precision when the time is right. Remember to be patient, choose your targets wisely, and equip a suppressed shotgun for Silent Caliber. With this strategy, you can dominate Punisher Part 4 and earn valuable rewards in Escape From Tarkov. So, go out there, find your bush, and become the ultimate survivor in the Tarkov City.

If you’re interested in learning more about Escape From Tarkov or connecting with the Escape From Tarkov community, check out the links to the Twitch stream and Discord server provided by the player in the video description.

Stay safe and happy gaming!