
In this article, we will discuss the general rules of building in Smite, a popular online multiplayer game. Building in Smite involves making strategic decisions about which items to purchase for your character in order to maximize their potential in matches. It’s important to note that this guide is not meant to provide specific build guides for each character, as the game is constantly changing and requires a deep understanding of the mechanics and gameplay. However, we will provide you with some general rules and tips that will help you make more informed decisions when building your character in Smite.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the specifics, it’s essential to understand the two main types of hunters in Smite: ability-based and auto-attack-based. Ability-based hunters, such as AMC, Scotty, and Medusa, have damaging abilities that deal most of their damage. On the other hand, auto-attack-based hunters rely on their basic attacks to deal damage and often have stim abilities that increase their attack speed or damage.

Building for Hunters

For ability-based hunters, it’s recommended to focus on building penetration items, such as Executioner and Qin’s Sais, to maximize their ability damage. On the other hand, auto-attack-based hunters should prioritize attack speed items, such as Hastened Fatalis and The Executioner, to enhance their basic attacks. It’s crucial to distinguish between these two types of hunters when building, as their gameplay and item choices can significantly vary.

Understanding Penetration

When it comes to penetration items, it’s important to know that flat penetration is more effective early in the game when enemies have lower protections. Flat penetration reduces a percentage of the enemy’s protections, making it more valuable when they have fewer defenses. On the other hand, percentage penetration becomes more effective later in the game when enemies have higher protections. As their defenses increase, percentage penetration allows you to bypass a percentage of their protections, giving you an advantage.

Considering Cooldown Reduction

Cooldown reduction is another important aspect of building in Smite. Cooldown reduction reduces the time it takes for your abilities to come off cooldown, allowing you to use them more frequently. In ranked games, where fights tend to last longer, cooldown reduction holds more value compared to professional competitive matches. It is recommended to build cooldown reduction earlier in the game to maximize its impact throughout the match.

Building for Tanks

When it comes to building for tanks, the general rules still apply. Cooldown reduction is beneficial for tanks, especially in ranked matches where fights last longer. However, tanks should focus on building defense items based on the enemy team composition. If the enemy team has a significant amount of physical damage dealers, prioritize building physical defense. Conversely, if they have a heavy presence of magical damage dealers, focus on magical defense. It’s important to adapt your build according to the enemy team’s composition to effectively counter their damage output.

Counter Building

Counter building is often seen as a complicated aspect of the game, but it doesn’t have to be. It involves building items that directly counter your opponent’s strategies or abilities. For example, if the enemy team has a strong healing presence, it’s recommended to build anti-healing items, such as Brawler’s Beat Stick or Pestilence. Building anti-healing earlier in the game if you will interact with healing in your lane or later if healing is more prevalent in the late game can provide a significant advantage.


Building in Smite can seem overwhelming, especially for beginners. However, by understanding some general rules and strategies, you can make more informed decisions when building your character. Remember to consider the type of hunter you are playing, prioritize penetration items based on the enemy’s protections, and adapt your defense items to counter the enemy team’s composition. Additionally, don’t forget the importance of cooldown reduction and anti-healing when necessary. With practice and experience, you will develop a better understanding of the game and its mechanics, allowing you to build more effectively and dominate your opponents. Good luck on your journey in the world of Smite!