
In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps of completing the “Shaking Up Teller” task given by Prapor in the popular game Escape From Tarkov. This guide will provide you with detailed instructions and key information to successfully complete the task. So, let’s dive in!

Task Overview

The objective of the “Shaking Up Teller” task is to obtain a valuable item located in dorm room 203 on the Customs map and then safely extract with it. Once extracted, you are required to hand over the item to Prapor. To successfully complete this task, you will need the Dorm Room 203 key, which can be found in various locations.

Finding the Dorm Room 203 Key

The Dorm Room 203 key is an incredibly common key and can be found in the pockets and bags of scavs (AI-controlled enemies) as well as in jackets. However, if you are having trouble finding the key, there is another option. Dorm Room 214 also has a chance of spawning the Dorm Room 203 key. So, if you have access to Dorm Room 214, you can check there for the key as well.

To begin the task, head to the Customs map. The objective is located in the three-story dorms building, specifically on the second floor in room 203. It is essential to carefully navigate your way through the map to reach the desired location.

  1. Start at the area between the two dorms buildings.
  2. Enter the three-story dorms building through the main door.
  3. Proceed up one flight of stairs.
  4. Take a right turn.
  5. Look for a bed across the hallway.

Accessing Dorm Room 203

Once you have located the bed, you need to jump onto it and navigate around a sticking-out door. To access Dorm Room 203, you will find a graded door on the left-hand side. The door has the numbers “2-0” and is missing the number “3.” This is the room you need to enter.

Obtaining the Valuable Item

Upon entering Dorm Room 203, you will find a briefcase located underneath the bed. Pick up the briefcase, and a picture will appear on your screen, indicating that you have successfully activated the task.

Surviving and Extracting

After obtaining the briefcase, your next challenge is to survive and extract with it. It is crucial to stay alive until you can hand over the valuable item to Prapor. If, unfortunately, you die between picking up the briefcase and attempting to extract, you will need to retry the task.

Completion and Rewards

Successfully extracting with the valuable item and handing it over to Prapor completes the “Shaking Up Teller” task. Completing Prapor’s tasks rewards you with experience points, reputation points, and potentially unlocks new quests or items.


We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with all the necessary information and step-by-step instructions to complete the “Shaking Up Teller” task in Escape From Tarkov. Remember to thoroughly explore the Customs map and keep an eye out for the Dorm Room 203 key. Good luck on your journey, and may you successfully complete the task! Thank you for reading, and have a great day.

Word Count: 631