
Teamfight Tactics is a popular game mode in League of Legends that requires strategic thinking and careful itemization. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the best item builds for each champion in the game. We will organize the guide by class, starting with Assassins and working our way through the list. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, this guide will provide you with valuable information to help you dominate the competition.


Assassins excel at dealing burst damage and taking out priority targets. To optimize their performance, there are a few general items that are good with assassins in general. These include Infinity Edge and Rapid Firecannon. Rapid Firecannon allows assassins to attack from range, making them more effective at avoiding clumping and blocking other assassins. Another essential item for assassins is Phantom Dancer, as it counters their main problematic defensive item.


Kha’Zix is a versatile assassin that excels at single-target burst damage. When itemizing him, it’s best to prioritize items like Rapid Firecannon and Infinity Edge. These items increase his damage output and allow him to effectively assassinate key targets. Additionally, items like Luden’s Echo and Seraph’s Embrace can provide him with early game power and snowball potential.


Pyke is a unit that heavily relies on his ultimate ability to dish out damage. To maximize Pyke’s potential, it is recommended to focus on items that grant him additional mana so that he can cast his ultimate more frequently. Double or triple Shojin is a classic build for Pyke. Furthermore, Morellonomicon is a good item choice for Pyke, as it applies grevious wounds to multiple enemies when he hits them with his ultimate.


Zed is a high-damage carry that excels at eliminating key targets in the backline. The optimal item build for Zed includes double Rapid Firecannon and Infinity Edge, or double Rapid Firecannon and Bloodthirster. The range increase from multiple Rapid Firecannons allows Zed to attack from four hexes away, making him a potent threat to enemy carries. Other recommended items for Zed include any BF Sword item or Zeke’s Herald.


Katarina is an assassin that relies on her ult to deal massive area of effect damage. To maximize her effectiveness, it is crucial to provide her with a high amount of mana. Itemizing Katarina with items like Seraph’s Embrace and Morellonomicon will ensure that she can cast her ult multiple times in a fight, dealing significant damage and applying healing debuffs. Sorcerer’s spatula can also be a viable option for Katarina, allowing her to benefit from both the assassin and sorcerer bonuses.


Evelynn is a unique assassin that benefits from items that can increase her survivability and provide mana sustain. While stacking multiple Seraph’s Embrace seems like a good idea, it is often challenging to get her low enough on health to trigger the bonus. Instead, a single Seraph’s Embrace and Morellonomicon can provide her with enough mana sustain and damage amplification. It is important to note that Rapid Firecannon is not recommended for Evelynn, as she tends to want to use her ultimate after the fight starts.


Rengar is a physical DPS carry that excels at diving onto key targets and eliminating them quickly. The core items for Rengar are Rapid Firecannon and Bloodthirster. Rapid Firecannon allows Rengar to attack from range, while Bloodthirster provides him with additional sustain in fights. The third item can be flexible and situational, with options like Guardian Angel or Dragon’s Claw being popular choices.


Akali is a formidable damage dealer that can benefit from a variety of items. The must-have item for Akali is Seraph’s Embrace, as it allows her to spam her ultimate ability. Once she has enough mana sustain, other defensive items like Guardian Angel or Phantom Dancer can be considered to improve her survivability. Akali’s ultimate ability deals a significant amount of damage, making her a prime candidate for items like Rabadon’s Deathcap.


Itemizing correctly is crucial in Teamfight Tactics, as it can significantly impact the performance of your champions. In this guide, we covered the best item builds for each champion within the Assassin class. By focusing on the recommended items for each champion, you can maximize their potential and dominate the game. Remember to adjust your item builds based on the specific needs of your team composition and the current meta. Stay tuned for future guides on other classes and champions in Teamfight Tactics!