In this article, we will be discussing the gameplay and strategies for the Nexus Blitz mode in League of Legends. Specifically, we will focus on the mid lane and bot lane roles and provide tips and insights to help you excel in these positions. Whether you are new to Nexus Blitz or looking to improve your performance, this guide will provide valuable information to enhance your gameplay.

Introduction to Nexus Blitz Laning

Nexus Blitz is unique in its gameplay, offering a 1v1 mid lane and a 2v2 bot lane experience. Understanding the dynamics of these lanes and choosing the appropriate champions for each role is essential to maximize your chances of success. The bot lane is generally considered easier to play due to the presence of a support player, while the mid lane offers more opportunities for roaming and solo kills.

Mid Lane Strategies and Champion Selection

The mid lane is often regarded as the most influential position in Nexus Blitz. Playing champions with strong level three abilities can greatly impact the outcome of the game. Champions like Zed excel in this mode because they become incredibly powerful once they unlock their full early game kit, including abilities like their shadow, shuriken, and spin blade.

One of the key advantages of playing mid lane champions is their ability to roam and make plays in other lanes. This can help secure kills and snowball your lead. Additionally, mid lane champions typically reach level six faster than other roles, granting them access to a powerful ultimate ability.

Assassins, in general, are highly recommended for the mid lane. With their high burst damage and mobility, champions like Zed and Irelia can easily secure kills and create pressure on the map. Utilizing their strong level six power spike is crucial for success in Nexus Blitz, as it can give you a significant advantage in team fights and objectives.

Bot Lane Strategies and Champion Selection

The bot lane is where the support player comes into play. Similar to the Summoner’s Rift, the bot lane consists of an ADC (attack damage carry) and a support player. Coordination and synergy between these two roles are essential for success.

In terms of champion selection, the bot lane usually follows a similar composition to traditional Summoner’s Rift games. This means pairing an ADC with a support champion that complements their strengths and enhances their survivability. Champions like Vayne and Janna work well in this mode, as they can effectively protect and empower the ADC.

Tips for Winning Nexus Blitz Games

To increase your chances of victory in Nexus Blitz, it is crucial to prioritize the objectives and events that occur throughout the game. Understanding the different events and tailoring your champion selection accordingly can greatly impact your success.

During champion select, pay close attention to the first event that will take place. Winning this event provides a significant advantage, as it often grants powerful buffs that can turn the tides of the game. Choosing champions that excel in the first event is highly recommended.

In addition to the initial event, there are several other events in Nexus Blitz, each requiring a different strategic approach. For example, the Earth Mode event favors champions with high damage output, while the Teemo or Veigar event requires a focus on team fights rather than the objective itself.

Strategic warding is also crucial in Nexus Blitz. Vision control, particularly around the Scuttle Crab area, can give your team an advantage in tracking the enemy jungler and preventing ganks. Utilize wards to gain information and make informed decisions.

Lastly, efficiently traversing the map can make a significant difference in your gameplay. Utilize the cannons strategically to reach your desired locations quickly. Additionally, familiarize yourself with alternate cannons located in different parts of the map, as they can provide unique escape routes or rotational advantages.


In conclusion, Nexus Blitz offers an exciting and fast-paced gameplay experience that requires strategic thinking and champion selection. By understanding the dynamics of the mid lane and bot lane, choosing appropriate champions, and prioritizing events, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Utilize these tips and strategies to dominate the Nexus Blitz mode in League of Legends!