
Neverwinter is an action combat MMORPG set in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. Released on PC in 2013, the game has maintained a reasonable player base over the years. With console releases and a continuous flow of content updates, Neverwinter remains a highly driven MMO packed with voice-acted dialogue. In this article, we will explore the revamped leveling experience in Neverwinter in 2022 and see if it has improved.

Selecting Your Adventure: Race and Class

When starting in Neverwinter, players have the option to choose from a range of races, including human, half-orc, wood elf, sun elf, dwarf, halfling, half-elf, tiefling, drow, dragonborn, asamir, gith, and moon elf. Each race brings its own set of unique racial attributes and abilities to the game. It’s important to note that the coolest race may be locked and require payment to unlock.

Once the race is selected, players can then choose from various classes, including cleric, barbarian, warlock, rogue, fighter, paladin, ranger, and wizard. Each class offers a distinct playstyle and abilities, allowing players to customize their gaming experience.

An Updated New Player Experience

Neverwinter’s new player experience has undergone a major revamp in recent times. The max level for the game is now level 20, a significant change from the previous level cap of 80. This leveling revamp is aimed at providing a more engaging and challenging experience for new players.

Starting the game, players find themselves in the midst of the siege of undead, defending against hordes of enemies. The combat is fast-paced and requires strategizing to defeat enemies. As players progress, they unlock new abilities that give a rough idea of how each class feels to play.

The introduction of a dodging telegraphs mechanic adds a layer of skill and strategy to combat. Players must pay attention to enemy telegraphs and dodge incoming attacks to survive. The new player experience also introduces players to dungeon-like environments, where they face off against challenging bosses and mobs.

Neverwinter’s Populated World

One of the notable aspects of Neverwinter is its populated world. As players enter the capital city of Protector’s Enclave, they are greeted by a bustling community of other players. The game is not limited to the PC player base; it is also a cross-platform console MMO. This means that the player numbers on Steam do not accurately represent the total player base.

With a concurrency of around 1,200 on Steam, Neverwinter offers a relatively populated MMO experience. Seeing other players in the capital city and throughout the game world creates a sense of community and immersion.

Mounts and Abilities

Neverwinter introduces a unique mount system where mounts provide players with additional abilities. This adds depth and variety to gameplay, ensuring that players have more abilities to utilize during combat. The well-animated mounts enhance the overall experience, with responsive movements and animations.

Engaging Quests and Challenging Dungeons

The questing experience in Neverwinter is engaging, with a good balance between story-driven quests and combat-focused objectives. As players progress through the game, they encounter various zones and dungeons. The difficulty level increases, requiring players to strategize and work together to overcome challenges.

The dungeons in Neverwinter offer a variety of environments, from ancient temples to cavernous dungeons. These dungeons are filled with packs of challenging mobs and exciting boss fights. Players must rely on their abilities and teamwork to emerge victorious.


With its revamped leveling experience and engaging gameplay, Neverwinter remains a solid choice for MMORPG enthusiasts. The game offers a mix of both PvP and PvE content, voice-acted dialogue, and a vibrant player community. The new player experience provides a challenging yet enjoyable journey, while the populated game world ensures that players always have others to interact with.

Neverwinter in 2022 proves that this MMORPG continues to evolve and provide a compelling gaming experience. Whether you’re a fan of action combat, exploration, or immersive storytelling, Neverwinter offers something for everyone. So dive into the world of dungeons and dragons and embark on your adventure in Neverwinter.