Conan Exiles is a highly popular game that has attracted a dedicated player base across multiple platforms. In this article, we will be discussing the recent state of play for Conan Exiles on various platforms, focusing on the gameplay experience offered and the recent updates on consoles. We will also touch upon the challenges faced by Funcom, the game’s developer, when it comes to handling patches and ensuring a consistent experience across all platforms.


Conan Exiles is an action-packed survival game set in the world of Conan the Barbarian. With its immersive gameplay and rich features, the game has garnered a large following among players worldwide. However, recent updates on the console versions of the game have caused frustration among players due to rendering issues and other glitches. In this article, we will delve into the recent state of play on multiple platforms and analyze the impact of these updates on the overall player experience.

The Recent Patch

Recently, Funcom released a patch for the console version of Conan Exiles, addressing various rendering issues and gameplay bugs. Many players had eagerly awaited this patch, as it promised to fix several long-standing problems. One noticeable fix was the elimination of a lightning style flicker that occurred during the game’s loading process. Additionally, the rendering issues for the DLC items, including armor and building pieces, were resolved. Moreover, the patch addressed the problem with mobs not appearing correctly.

To illustrate the improvements, the video demonstrates a comparison between the game before and after the update. On the left-hand side, the footage showcases the rendering issues and glitches that plagued the game prior to the patch. However, on the right-hand side, we can see that these issues have been resolved after the update. This indicates that Funcom has indeed made progress in fixing the game’s problems.

Discrepancies in Gameplay Experience

Despite the efforts made by Funcom to address the issues in the console version of Conan Exiles, players have expressed frustration regarding the timing and impact of these updates. The patch was released on PlayStation first, with Xbox players still waiting for it. This inconsistency in availability across platforms has posed a challenge for the game’s developers. Players expect a consistent gameplay experience, regardless of the platform they choose to play on.

Furthermore, players who experienced the rendering issues before the patch expressed their disappointment with the game’s quality during this period. It is understandable that such glitches would detract from the overall enjoyment of the game. Players rely on a smooth and immersive experience to fully engage with the game’s mechanics and content. Ultimately, Funcom needs to address this issue and strive for a uniform gameplay experience across all platforms.

Patching Challenges

One of the main challenges faced by Funcom is delivering patches simultaneously across multiple platforms. While the PC version of Conan Exiles had a successful launch with only minor issues, the console versions faced more significant problems. The video emphasizes that three different platforms - PlayStation, Xbox, and the Microsoft Store/Game Pass - were affected by rendering issues and glitches. This discrepancy in the gameplay experience between platforms is a cause for concern among players.

It is important to highlight that these issues were not intentional on Funcom’s part. The video expresses that it was not their objective to release a game with such noticeable issues. However, it is crucial for the developer to comprehend the severe consequences of delivering an inconsistent gameplay experience. Players who encountered these issues were understandably dissatisfied, and their negative experiences may discourage others from playing Conan Exiles altogether.


Conan Exiles holds immense potential as an enjoyable and immersive survival game. When it functions properly, players can fully appreciate its captivating world and engaging gameplay mechanics. However, recent updates on the console versions have exposed rendering issues and glitches that hinder the overall experience. Funcom has made efforts to address these problems through patches, but the inconsistency in the availability and impact of these updates across multiple platforms has drawn criticism.

To ensure the success and longevity of Conan Exiles, Funcom must prioritize delivering a consistent gameplay experience across all platforms. Players invest significant time and effort into the game, and they deserve a polished and enjoyable experience. By rectifying the rendering issues and glitches, Funcom can attract and retain a loyal player base that can celebrate the game’s potential.

In conclusion, Conan Exiles is a game that has captured the hearts of many players. However, recent issues with rendering and gameplay discrepancies across platforms have impacted the overall player experience. Funcom must focus on delivering consistent updates and resolving these issues promptly, ensuring that players can fully immerse themselves in the world of Conan Exiles without any hindrances.