If you’re looking to play Hunt Showdown with your friends on different platforms, such as PS4 and Xbox One, you may have encountered difficulties. The game does not have built-in crossplay functionality, but there is a workaround that allows players on different platforms to play together. In this article, we will guide you through the process of enabling crossplay and playing Hunt Showdown with your friends on PS4 and Xbox One.

Step 1: Select the Same Server

To ensure that you and your friends can play together, you need to select the same server in the game. In the case of Hunt Showdown, the recommended server is “All Platform.” Avoid selecting servers like West, East, or European, as it can be challenging to find and match with players on the same server due to differences in matchmaking ratings (MMR), stars, and KD ratios. By choosing the “All Platform” server, you increase your chances of finding each other in the game.

Step 2: Coordinate with Your Friends

Before starting the matchmaking process, it’s essential to coordinate with your friends to ensure a successful crossplay experience. Make sure all players are using the same communication platform, whether it’s in-game chat, a voice chat app, or any other medium. Communication is key to synchronizing your matchmaking attempts.

Step 3: Run a Countdown

Once everyone is ready, initiate a countdown to time your matchmaking attempts. This countdown allows all players to start the matchmaking process simultaneously, increasing the likelihood of ending up in the same lobby.

Step 4: Repeat the Process

It’s important to note that the matchmaking process may not work on the first attempt. It may take a few tries before you and your friends successfully join the same lobby. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work right away; persistence is key.

Playing Together or Against Each Other

Once you and your friends have joined the same lobby, you can choose to play together as a team or against each other. If you want to play a cooperative mode, both teams can initiate a countdown and start the game simultaneously. Alternatively, if you prefer a competitive 2v2 or 3v3 match, follow the same steps and start the game at the agreed-upon time.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re having trouble finding each other or consistently matching with your friends, there are a few additional steps you can take to improve your chances:

  1. Ensure that all players have the latest game updates installed. Patch updates often include bug fixes and improvements that could affect crossplay functionality.
  2. Restart the game and try the matchmaking process again. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve communication and matchmaking issues.
  3. Validate your internet connection and ensure that it is stable. A weak or unstable internet connection can impact the matchmaking process.
  4. Consider reaching out to the game’s customer support for further assistance. They may have additional suggestions or insight into crossplay troubleshooting.


While Hunt Showdown does not officially support crossplay, you can still play with your friends on different platforms with a few extra steps. By selecting the same server, coordinating your efforts, and running a synchronized countdown, you can increase your chances of finding each other in the game. Remember that the process may require several attempts before successfully joining the same lobby, so don’t give up if it doesn’t work on the first try. Happy hunting!

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