
When collecting Pokemon TCG cards, it is important to distinguish between shadowed and shadowless cards. Shadowless cards are considered more rare and valuable than their shadowed counterparts. In this article, we will explore the key differences between shadowless and shadowed Pokemon cards. We will provide step-by-step instructions on how to identify shadowless cards, and discuss the rarity and value associated with these cards.

Understanding Shadowless Cards

When Pokemon cards were first printed, there were three variations: shadowless first edition, shadowless, and unlimited. The rarity hierarchy starts with shadowless first edition, followed by shadowless, and then unlimited cards. The main difference lies in the absence of a shadow on the right-hand side of shadowless cards. Additionally, shadowless cards have a unique printing detail in the form of an extra “99” on the bottom of the card, while shadow cards end with “98”.

Identifying Shadowless Cards

To identify shadowless Pokemon cards, there are several key details to look for:

1. Text Clarity and Boldness

Compare the text clarity and boldness between two cards of the same Pokemon. Look at the HP stat and the name of the Pokemon. On shadowless cards, the text is usually crisper and bolder, making it stand out more compared to shadowed cards.

2. Energy Cost Placement

Examine the placement of the energy cost symbol on the card. On shadowless cards, the energy cost symbol is often located in the middle of the card, whereas on shadowed cards, it tends to be at the top.

3. Shadow on the Right-Hand Side

Check for the presence of a shadow on the right-hand side of the card. Shadowed cards will have a faint shadow, while shadowless cards will not have any shadowing.

4. Printing Date

Inspect the bottom of the card for the printing date. Shadowless cards will have an extra “99” printed, indicating their shadowless nature. This extra detail distinguishes shadowless cards from shadowed ones.

5. Set Symbols

Shadowless cards generally do not have any set symbols or promo symbols on them. Look for the absence of these symbols on the card to identify if it is shadowless or not.

Step-by-Step Process for Card Identification

  1. Examine the HP stat and the name on the card. Compare the boldness and clarity of the text between two cards of the same Pokemon.
  2. Check the placement of the energy cost symbol. Shadowless cards will have it in the middle, while shadowed cards will have it at the top.
  3. Look for the presence or absence of a shadow on the right-hand side of the card.
  4. Inspect the bottom of the card for the printing date. Shadowless cards will have an extra “99” printed.
  5. Check for any set symbols or promo symbols on the card. Shadowless cards typically do not have these symbols.

The Exception: Machamp

While most shadowless cards follow the aforementioned rules, there is one exception - Machamp. Although Machamp was printed after the shadowless series, it unexpectedly received a first edition stamp. This stamp causes some confusion, as it suggests a shadowless card when it is actually not. As a result, Machamp carries less value compared to other shadowless cards due to this exception.

Rarity and Value of Shadowless Cards

Shadowless cards are generally more valuable than their shadowed counterparts. Due to their rarity, collectors often seek out shadowless cards for their collections. However, the value of shadowless cards can vary depending on factors such as the specific Pokemon, condition, and demand from collectors.


In conclusion, being able to distinguish between shadowless and shadowed Pokemon cards is essential for collectors. By carefully examining the text clarity, energy cost placement, presence of a shadow, printing date, and set symbols, collectors can confidently identify shadowless cards. Remember the exception of Machamp, which carries a first edition stamp but is not a shadowless card. With this knowledge, collectors can make informed decisions and add valuable shadowless cards to their collections.

Thank you for reading this in-depth guide on how to tell if a Pokemon card is shadowless. If you have any further questions or insights, please feel free to leave a comment below.