Girl’s Frontline is a popular strategy game that has captured the hearts of many players. With a wide range of characters to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones are the best. In this article, we will be focusing on the 4-Star SMGs in the game and discussing their strengths, weaknesses, and overall usefulness.

  1. PB90: A Beginner’s Trap PB90 is a shiny new 4-Star SMG that may attract the attention of new players. However, despite her rarity, she falls short in terms of combat effectiveness. Her only saving grace is her undeniable cuteness, which some players may find appealing. But for new commanders, it is advised to avoid using SMGs that self-buff their evasion stat, as it is not worth the investment.

  2. MP5: Early Game Powerhouse MP5 is a solid choice for early game battles. She is often given out to commanders in the early stages of the game, making her easily accessible. However, as the game progresses, MP5’s usefulness diminishes compared to higher-level SMGs like P90. But after a neural upgrade, MP5 becomes a formidable force, capable of dealing significant damage. She is a favorite among players who appreciate her serious and emo girl persona.

  3. UMP Sisters: A Deadly Duo UMP45 and UMP9 are iconic characters in Girl’s Frontline. These twin sisters are not only popular for their looks but also for their strength in battle. UMP45 is considered meta, while UMP9 is a solid choice but not as powerful as her sister. UMP9’s Mod 3 upgrade allows her to be an effective stun grenadier, which is a unique trait in the game. Both UMP45 and UMP9 make excellent main tanks, and their versatility is highly appreciated by commanders.

  4. PP-19: A Solid Off-Tank Choice PP-19 is a reliable off-tank character with decent stats and a good kit. While she may not be as powerful as UMP45, she still holds her own in battles. One notable aspect of PP-19 is her conflicting outfit, which may make some players uncomfortable. However, for collectors, it is a limited-time costume worth obtaining.

  5. Shipka: A Beginner’s Trap Shipka is a character that may initially attract players with her cool appearance. However, a Google search reveals that low health SMGs with self-buffing evasion are not optimal choices for main tanks in the later stages of the game. Shipka’s big hands also raise questions about her character design. Ultimately, there are better options available for off-tank roles.

  6. Honey Badger: A Powerful Off-Tank DPS Honey Badger is a powerhouse when it comes to off-tank DPS SMGs. With self-buffing damage skills, solid stats, and amazing tiles, Honey Badger is a top pick for many commanders. Her initial cooldown may be a drawback, but overall, she is a valuable addition to any team composition.

  7. CF05: A Complex Choice CF05 is a character that can be quite convoluted and challenging to use. While she has the potential to be useful, her complexity may give players a headache. In comparison, UMP45 is a simpler and more straightforward option.

In conclusion, when choosing 4-Star SMGs in Girl’s Frontline, it is important to consider their strengths, weaknesses, and overall usefulness. UMP45 and MP5 shine in different stages of the game, Honey Badger excels in off-tank DPS, while PB90 and Shipka are beginner’s traps. Each character offers a unique gameplay experience, and commanders should choose based on their preferred playstyle.

Remember to explore and experiment with different characters to find the ones that suit your tactics and strategies best. Building a well-balanced team composition is key to success in Girl’s Frontline. Good luck, commanders!