Sensitivity in video games can have a huge impact on your overall performance. It affects your aim, response time, and how quickly you can react to situations. In this article, we’ll explore how to find your optimal sensitivity in Overwatch 2.

The Impact of Sensitivity

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s understand the impact of sensitivity in gameplay. Sensitivity refers to the speed at which your in-game character or crosshair moves when you move your mouse. It is measured in DPI (dots per inch) and can be adjusted in the game settings.

Every player has their own preference when it comes to sensitivity, and finding the right balance is crucial for optimal performance. If your sensitivity is too high, you may struggle with accuracy and precision. On the other hand, if your sensitivity is too low, your movements may feel sluggish and you might struggle to keep up with fast-paced gameplay.

Understanding DPI and eDPI

DPI stands for dots per inch and represents how fast your mouse moves across the screen. It measures the sensitivity of your mouse hardware. Higher DPI values mean faster cursor movement, while lower values mean slower movement.

In Overwatch 2, your sensitivity settings in the game are multiplied by your DPI to calculate your effective DPI (eDPI). eDPI is the most important factor when determining your sensitivity, as it gives you a consistent measure of sensitivity across different DPI and in-game settings.

To find your eDPI, multiply your in-game sensitivity by your DPI. For example, if your sensitivity is 2.25 and your DPI is 1600, your eDPI is 3600 (2.25 x 1600).

Optimal eDPI for Overwatch 2

Finding the optimal eDPI for Overwatch 2 can be a personal journey, but there are some general guidelines to consider. Many professional players recommend eDPI values between 4000 and 8000 for Overwatch. However, keep in mind that this recommendation may vary depending on your play style and personal preference.

If you’re starting from scratch or looking to fine-tune your sensitivity, it’s best to start with a baseline value within this range. From there, you can make small adjustments to find your ideal sensitivity. It’s important to note that finding the perfect sensitivity may take some time and experimentation. Be patient and willing to adapt to find what works best for you.

Adjusting Your Sensitivity

To adjust your sensitivity in Overwatch 2, you’ll need to modify your in-game settings and potentially your mouse DPI. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you through the adjustment process:

  1. Open the Overwatch 2 game settings.
  2. Navigate to the “Controls” tab.
  3. Locate the “Mouse Sensitivity” section.
  4. Adjust the horizontal and vertical sensitivity sliders to your desired values.
  5. If necessary, change your mouse DPI using the software provided with your mouse.
  6. Test your new sensitivity in-game and make further adjustments if needed.
  7. Repeat this process until you find your optimal sensitivity.

It’s worth mentioning that sensitivity can be a personal preference, and what works for one player may not work for another. So, it’s essential to experiment and find what feels comfortable and effective for you.

Factors to Consider

When adjusting your sensitivity, take the following factors into account:

  1. Gameplay Style: Different heroes and play styles may require different sensitivities. For example, snipers often prefer lower sensitivities for precise aiming, while heroes with high mobility may benefit from higher sensitivities.
  2. Field of View (FOV): FOV can affect how your sensitivity feels. A higher FOV may require a higher sensitivity to cover more ground.
  3. Monitor Resolution: Higher screen resolutions may make smaller movements appear larger, requiring adjustments to your sensitivity.
  4. Mouse Polling Rate: Ensure you have high-precision mouse input enabled for accurate tracking. Higher DPI values can improve accuracy and responsiveness.

Converting Sensitivity Between Games

If you’re transitioning from another game, you may wonder how to convert your sensitivity settings to Overwatch 2. Unfortunately, sensitivity settings can vary between games due to different algorithms and mechanics. However, you can use online mouse sensitivity converters to get a baseline for your new game.

These converters allow you to input your sensitivity and DPI from one game and provide an equivalent sensitivity for another game. While this may not be perfect, it can serve as a starting point for finding your optimal sensitivity in Overwatch 2.


Finding your optimal sensitivity in Overwatch 2 is a process that requires time, experimentation, and patience. Start with a baseline eDPI within the recommended range, and make small adjustments based on your play style and preferences. Remember, everyone is different, so what works for others may not work for you. Take the time to find your sweet spot, and watch your gameplay improve as a result.