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In this article, we will explore how to convert models and textures from Fortnite to CS:GO. If you’ve ever wanted to bring Fortnite assets into the world of Counter-Strike, this is the guide for you. By following these steps, you’ll be able to seamlessly integrate Fortnite models into the CS:GO environment. So let’s dive in and get started!

Key Points to Remember

Before we begin, let’s outline the key points we need to keep in mind throughout the conversion process:

  1. You will need the following tools: 3ds Max, Wall Worm, Actor EX Importer Script, Source SDK Hammer, YUI Viewer, and the Fortnite AES encryption key.
  2. Locate the Fortnite files in your Program Files directory.
  3. Choose the Fortnite model you want to convert, such as the mail truck.
  4. Export the model and materials using the Unreal Engine.
  5. Install the Actor EX Importer script.
  6. Use 3ds Max to import the exported files and adjust the scale.
  7. Set the surface properties and export the model in the desired format.
  8. Test the model in Model Viewer and Hammer to ensure proper integration.
  9. Enjoy the converted Fortnite assets in CS:GO.

Step-by-Step Process

Now, let’s walk through the step-by-step process of converting Fortnite models to CS:GO.

Step 1: Locating the Fortnite Files

To begin, navigate to your Program Files directory and locate the Epic Games folder. Within this folder, you will find the Fortnite game content packs. Open the appropriate pack, which will vary based on your operating system (PC in this case).

Step 2: Extracting the Model and Materials

Once inside the content pack, locate the specific model you want to convert, such as the mail truck. Export both the mesh and materials associated with the model. For materials, choose the diffuse option for simplicity.

Step 3: Installing the Actor EX Importer Script

Download the Actor EX Importer script and place it in the appropriate directory within your Autodesk 3ds Max installation folder. Alternatively, you can refer to Shawn Olson’s guide on installing Wall Worm for more detailed instructions.

Step 4: Importing the Model into 3ds Max

Launch 3ds Max and locate the “Run Script” option. Open the Actor EX Importer script and a window will appear. Navigate to the meshes section and select the mail truck model for import.

Step 5: Adjusting the Scale and Materials

Once the model is imported, you may notice that it is larger than desired. Scale it down to the appropriate size. Next, access the materials section and choose the appropriate material for the model, such as the diffuse option. Rename the model as needed for organizational purposes.

Step 6: Exporting the Model

Using Wall Worm’s model tools, select the model and assign a surface property to it. For example, you can set it as a metal object. Export the model as a VTF file, ensuring that it is exported to the correct folder.

Step 7: Creating the Collision Model

To create the collision model, select the relevant parts of the model and designate them as the collision hull. You can be as detailed as you want with this process, including including specific parts like bumpers. Export the collision model.

Step 8: Integration with Source SDK Hammer

Open Source SDK Hammer and create a new map. Add the converted model to the map as a prop static entity. Ensure that the model is aligned with the ground and adjust its properties as needed.

Step 9: Testing in CS:GO

Once all the steps are complete, start CS:GO and load the map you created in Hammer. You should now be able to see the converted Fortnite model in the game environment.


By following these steps, you can successfully convert Fortnite models and textures into CS:GO. With a little bit of effort and the right tools, you can bring your favorite Fortnite assets into the world of Counter-Strike. So go ahead, get creative, and start exploring all the possibilities of combining these two popular games. Happy gaming!