
In this article, we will be diving into the world of Azur Lane, a popular mobile game known for its ship-based gameplay. Today, we will be focusing on destroyers and creating a comprehensive tier list for these ships. Keep in mind that this tier list is based on our own experiences and opinions, so feel free to agree or disagree with it. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Tier List

Before we delve into the individual ships, it’s important to understand how the tier list is structured. We have categorized the destroyers into different tiers, ranging from SSS tier to B tier. Each tier represents the overall performance and usefulness of the ships. Now, let’s take a closer look at each tier and the ships within them.

SSS Tier - The Elite Destroyers

The SSS tier is reserved for the absolute best destroyers in the game. These ships excel in various aspects and are considered the top-tier choices for players. Leading the pack is Shimakaze, who is renowned for her exceptional performance in challenging content such as Chapter 14 mobs and bosses. Her versatility and unmatched damage make her a force to be reckoned with.

Following closely behind are Anshan and Changchun, two destroyers with similar strengths. While Anshan has slightly stronger buffs, both ships shine when facing light armored enemies. Their unmatched light DPS and consistency make them formidable choices, even against medium armored enemies. Their only weakness is heavy armor, which can be mitigated by pairing them with Shimakaze.

SS Tier - The Impressive Performers

In the SS tier, we find destroyers like Kazagumo, Harbin, and Yidachi. Kazagumo stands out for her contributions to full carrier or boss fleets, thanks to her healing abilities. While she may not have the same firepower as SSS tier ships, her niche in mobs and underrated healing capabilities make her a valuable addition to any fleet.

Harbin and Yidachi, despite being light cruisers, have earned their spot on the destroyers tier list. With exceptional DPS across all armor types, they boast strong guns and torpedoes. Harbin’s smoke screens enhance the survivability of your vanguard, while Yidachi’s tankiness provides solid support. Their unique abilities give them an edge in battles.

S Tier - The Reliable Choices

Moving on to the S tier, we have Kitakaze, Wakatsuki, Jervis, and Janus. Kitakaze’s DPS is on par with top-tier ships but she is relatively squishier. However, her ability to consistently deal damage against mixed enemies sets her apart. Wakatsuki, on the other hand, shines against light enemies and boasts excellent anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

Jervis takes on the role of a capable destroyer tank, excelling in anti-submarine warfare. She can single-handedly handle chapter 14 battles while providing healing support to other vanguards. Janus, known for her underrated damage potential, has strong barrages and torpedoes. To fully utilize her potential, players should aim her torpedoes strategically.

A Tier - The Reliable Admirals

In the A tier, we find Suzuki and Ayanami. Suzuki is a slightly dated version of Wakatsuki, offering better survivability but lacking in aiming capabilities. While she may not be the top choice, she still has her uses, especially for players who prefer her character design. Ayanami, although popular among players, falls short compared to Shimakaze in terms of torpedo specialization.

B Tier - The Decent Performers

The B tier includes Naganami, Kasumi, Tashkent, and Kiev. These destroyers have their merits but are overshadowed by their higher-ranked counterparts. Naganami and Kasumi serve as decent torpedo buffers but are outshone by more powerful options. Tashkent and Kiev perform well against light armored enemies but struggle against medium and heavy armor.


That concludes our Azur Lane destroyers tier list. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into the performance and strengths of each ship. Remember, this tier list is subjective and open to interpretation. Feel free to experiment and find the destroyers that best suit your playstyle. Good luck, Admiral!

Note: Please note that this article is based on personal opinions and experiences. Results may vary based on individual gameplay styles and strategies.


  1. Rank Math. (n.d.). Score 100% in Tests. Retrieved from